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About Me

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West Virginia, United States
I have traveled all over the United States as both an active duty United States Marine and now as a Veteran. It is my supreme hope that my characters find their way into the world and provide others with the same kind of wonder that they have provided me with these past years. I have a number of short stories for children, adults, and young adults on my Amazon Author page: Click on by if you are interested. Currently, I am working on a new book, The Family Slayer. I am publishing it one chapter at a time, and is my first time attempting to publish and creatively write simultaneously. Drop by and write me a review about it! By the way: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. I use all proceeds from my blog and Amazon to cover medical costs for my son whom has Treacher Collins Syndrome. I try to update this blog as well as my new book on Amazon, The Family Slayer every Friday.